
Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in medical and surgical eye problems.

An ophthalmologist is different than an optometrist, who focuses on vision and primary conditions of the eye. An ophthalmologist is a specialist doctor with advanced knowledge of the eye, brain and surrounding structures. An optometrist's job includes administering vision tests, prescribing corrective lenses and treating minor infections and injuries. An opthalmologist is needed to treat advanced conditions such as complex diseases or eye cancer, and only opthalmologists can perform eye surgery.

If you are interested in receiving medical treatment for an eye condition in Germany, contact us. We at Medicare Bangla German can help you select a German opthalmologist who is an expert in your condition.

Communication language and culture

Our employees speak your language and are familiar with German culture. We take away cultural and linguistic barriers to ensure optimum communication.

Excellent support

Our support doesn’t end when you leave the hospital. We continue to assist you until you are safely home – and sometimes a little longer.